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Cate Archer

Tough times for everyone and Doug the Pug Therapy Dog is in lockdown.  All Pets As Therapy visits have now been suspended - and a status of self imposed lockdown has already been in place for a couple of weeks now. 

We’re hearing that ‘antisocial is the new social’ - and we’re counting down the days. But none of us quite know what, or when, we’re counting down to. What disconcerting times we share. 

In lockdown, we can phone our friends and family whenever we please, we can indulge ourselves in box sets and good books, we can sit by an open window to enjoy the open sky and the treasures that we will notice when things are still. 

In prison, in true lockdown, there are many who can’t do that. Many of you will say, “Too bad! They did something wrong, we didn’t!” We have all made bad decisions in life. And the consequences of these decisions will have taken us all down different paths. Some of those paths have been more punitive than others. 

We’re glad to be able to support Fine Cell Work - an organisation that enable prisoners to sew beautiful things which are then sold at a price fair to the enormous work that goes into creating them.  We are humbled that they ask us to send a thank you card to those who’ve created our beautiful things.  We feel these incredible cushions are absolute treasures and beauties to behold. 

Thank you cards are just so perfect. A lost art for many. Whilst many of us may have a little more time on our hands, Doug the Pug Therapy Dog will be sending out some letters to friends far and wide who may be feeling a little isolated just now. 

Many people can pull together.  In the words of Helen Keller, ‘Alone we can do so little.  Together we can do so much.’

Stay safe friends. Stay well. 

Cate & Doug


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