It is with such deep deep sadness that I share with you the heartbreaking news that our dear little Dougie dog died quietly in my arms this weekend.
The vet told me that all neurological connection had been lost - and his little body was no longer able to function.
We’d recently had scans to see the reason behind his reduced mobility - and this revealed a catalogue of many neurological challenges that were unable to be addressed.
A kind and gentle parting from this world is all we can wish for when we know the lives of our dear and treasured companion animals are coming to a close. And to find the courage to do this at the time that’s right for them, not us, takes enormous and essential strength.
But, in the words of Emily Dickinson, “Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.”
Doug shared his beautiful sweet love so freely and so generously. I’m glad he was ours. And I’m glad we were his.
Your value of all that we have loved and shared is of enormous and genuine comfort. Please know and trust that your love and kindness will be felt and held so very dear.
