Doug the Pug Therapy Dog had a beautiful two days, celebrating the human animal bond, with those who came to share time with him at Crufts!
As it had been World Book Day, we embraced a special offer with our visitors! Anyone who donated £5 to Pets As Therapy received a free, paw printed and personally dedicated copy of Doug’s book, “Doug the Pug - A Working Dog’s Tale”!
We share with you here a lovely piccie, with a beautiful girl, but one to highlight how Doug needed urgent medical attention whilst away from home.
On our morning travel to Crufts, Dougie diddled on a spiky shrub and must have scratched his eye. Only half an hour later, here he is - squinting his right eye, with his ears down like a sad boy. Doug, in his ten years, has never had an eye injury - but we know from our good pals that such things require the utmost urgency.
Neglected scratches quickly turn into ulcers and are the greatest contributor to dogs losing an eye. This sounds so dramatic. But it’s all too easy to just wait and see - by which time it’s a really big deal. So, with our friends clever voices in our heads, we headed off to see an international professor of ophthalmology, at Crufts, at their Kennel Club veterinary centre.
Doug’s eye was tested with an ophthalmic green dye, and a bright light shone, which illustrated two corneal scratches.
The professor said that Doug would soon be feeling very sorry for himself and would be best back home. So, for those who hoped to see us yesterday at Crufts, on the Pets As Therapy stand, we’re so very very sorry to have missed you.
Back home we went to our local veterinary hospital to get some painkillers and lubricants and an extra cuddle. Dougie and the human then went to bed together for the afternoon and plan to rest up today. It’s important for Doug to have his regular antibiotic and lubricant drops, along with his painkillers, which are absolutely crucial to securing the recovery of his eye and preventing surgery.
Please friends, with a damaged eye - never wait and see how it goes or allow anyone to tell you that it looks ok to them!
Our dogs are non verbal. We must always be their strong and reliable voice.
