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Doug the Pug is a wonderfully sweet natured little dog.  As a Therapy Dog, he enjoys each and every one of his working days generously sharing warmth and kindness with all those who need a little tender loving care and special attention.


And, when a special little person comes and reads with him, he feels like life just couldn’t get any better!


Gone, but never forgotten.

🕯 It is with such deep deep sadness that I share with you the heartbreaking news that our dear little Dougie dog died quietly in my arms...

Happy National Love Your Pet Day.

Surely this is each and every other day too. We so wish. Doug the Pug Therapy Dog is fortunate in that he is, and always has been, loved...

Pets As Therapy Read2Dogs goes online!

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog was delighted that his recent online work, during lockdown, helped to secure a fantastic grant of £100,000 for...

Supporting those without a home.

🌿🏰🌿 A gentleman’s home is his castle .... unless, of course, he doesn’t have one. Today, we started our virtual challenge to ‘Take the...

Dog Stories!

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog would like to thank our friends at The DogVine, and at PAAW House, we for valuing all we love and share through...

Dogs With Incredible Jobs!

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog has been on Channel 5! He featured on a fabulous television programme called, “Dogs With Incredible Jobs”! He's...

Rainbows in Windows!

Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud! During lockdown, the rainbow has been become a heartwarming symbol of solidarity and hope. We are...

The Dog & Bone!

It’s good to talk! Doug the Pug Therapy Dog is a fabulous listener and reliably discreet! We love it that just one kind word can change...

Looking for stars.

When it rains, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars. Doug the Pug Therapy Dog knows it feels hard to hold on to such...


Tough times for everyone and Doug the Pug Therapy Dog is in lockdown.  All Pets As Therapy visits have now been suspended - and a status...


Doug the Pug Therapy Dog had a beautiful two days, celebrating the human animal bond, with those who came to share time with him at...

Mental Health Awareness Month

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog has a great face for radio! We were delighted to be invited, by the lovely Ben & Nia at Mix 96 Radio, to talk...

Student Pride!

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog was loving the love at Student Pride today with his fellow Pets As Therapy puppers! What a fabulous event this...

National Story Telling Week!

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog is celebrating National Story Telling week. All of us share stories each and every day - however old we are....

Happy New Year!

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog wishes everyone a very happy new year. We hope it will be good and kind to you all. And now it is the Chinese...

Benevolent friends!

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog and his Pets As Therapy pals have shared the most pawsome time this week with kind benevolent friends Orvis!...

Festive greetings!

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog sends warmest wishes to you all for the festive season and beyond! May the forthcoming new year be good and kind...

Birthday shenanigans!

Birthday shenanigans in birthday suits! Bet you can’t work our how old Dougie Dog is today! That’s way too much thinking for a Monday!...

Busy Bees!

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog was delighted to be given this beautiful little gift to hang on his basket! “The best therapists have fur and...

Our Sleep Out supporting the homeless.

Doug the Pug Therapy Dog has been helping to raise funds and awareness for those without a home. Our charity Sleep Out on the streets of...

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